' 【照明电器行业动态信息】夹子灯技术要求变更 - 华讯检测资讯中心


华讯检测    2018-9-13   浏览:1255次






Test E: For clip-mounted luminaires: A pull is applied to the cable without jerk for 1 min in the most unfavourable direction in normal use. During the test, the clip is mounted on standard test "shelves" made of ordinary window glass, one with a nominal thickness of 10 mm and one with the maximum thickness onto which the clip can be mounted. For this test, the thickness of the test shelf is increased by multiples of 10 mm. The clip shall not start moving on the glass at a pull of 20 N.

est E: For clip-mounted luminaires: A pull is applied to the cable without jerk for 1 min in the most unfavourable direction in normal use. During the test, the clip is mounted on standard test “shelves” made of ordinary window glass, one with a nominal thickness of 10 mm and one with the maximum thickness onto which the clip can be mounted. For this test, the thickness of the test shelf is increased by multiples of 10 mm. The clip shall not fall off the glass at a pull of 20 N.


Question: Test for clip- mounted luminaires, pulling in some directions, (direction Z, see the figure). It is practically impossible to have a clip which does not start to move on glass, even though the movement could not degrade the quality of the fixing. Is there any movement permitted?


Decision: Standard has to be followed. The most unfavourable direction must be tried and no movement is allowed.

